Innovation to solve problems and reassure people

QCA knows that it deals with problems and needs that are particular and, therefore, demand individualized and creative solutions. It thus fosters and invests in the innovation of its services, adopting new technologies and platforms that ensure agility with strict control of data access. The firm has an exclusive Innovation department, which trains, supports, and coordinates the main initiatives of new technology projects.

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Bussiness Intelligence

To deliver consistent results, one must innovate

Our lawyers are supported by Performa's technological resources, a platform developed by the firm that allows broad automation and constant evolution to perform more than 150,000 tasks per month in an agile and secure manner. More than 10 billion reais are managed in almost 180 thousand lawsuits that provide us with information to increase our capacity to act and deliver results. Performa has several customizable features and, with the support of over 40 robots, allows the extraction of data related to each process, helping the QCA team to cross-reference information, identify risks, and analyze evidence, for example.

Legal Design and Visual Law

We were pioneers in combining technique and objectivity through Legal Design to deliver greater efficiency in advisory and litigation.

The firm has its own exclusive area that brings together lawyers, copywriters, and designers. We are currently working with 40 clients on the new format, which includes QR Codes that refer to videos, links for external access (in digital format petitions), flowcharts, graphs, illustrated timelines, infographics, and icons.